CuriousLurker posted an article on Little Green Footballs blog titled "President Obama, Sandra Fluke, Rush Limbaugh, and the Lord’s Resistance Army". They go on to say how outrageous Rush Limbaugh's article was, posted here. Rush says that the war with the L.R.A. is basically inconvenient and a waste of our time. One point Limbaugh makes is that no one has heard of the L.R.A. This is not our problem, this is the Medias problem for not shedding light on it. Also, because a mass murderer and war lord is not popular does not make the situation a waste of our time or money.
Obama sent 100 soldiers to Uganda to help capture Joseph Kony who is the leader of the L.R.A. This is the first time we have ever deployed U.S. soldiers to fight when we were not in danger. This was done because the people of the United States raised awareness and wanted Kony stopped. This is how the U.S. is supposed to operate. Our Constitution has very clearly placed at the top "We the People", it's time for our actions to start matching up to our statements.
Curious Lurker calls Limbaugh a "repugnant buffoon" and I could not agree more. Limbaugh says, "[The] Lord's Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them. That's what the lingo means, "to help regional forces remove from the battlefield," meaning capture or kill." The L.R.A. are not Christians in the slightest, and they are not fighting Muslims in Sudan. The L.R.A. is not fighting for anything. Kony only wants to keep his power so he takes children from their families, makes them kill their parents, rape women, and kill others. The U.S. is not only about protecting us it's about doing what's right. We need to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
To understand the L.R.A. more you should watch the video linked here on YouTube. It is a 30 minute video but if you are hanging around on the computer and have the time, it will hopefully open your eyes and bring light to what is happening in the world.
As long as we stay interested on this topic he will be stopped, and as long as those like Limbaugh continue placing it on the back burner or posting outrageously false information we will allow Kony to continue murdering innocent human beings.
George Santyana said, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." There are some people do not believe in the Holocaust and they did not learn from it, now history repeats itself in Uganda and other parts of Africa and some still do not want to learn from it.
I agree with CuriousLurker and their claims about Rush Limbaugh. This article is meant for everyone, not only those who can vote, or own a large corporation. If we all stick together and push for something to be done, it will be done.