Thursday, April 5, 2012


I believe that free contraceptives should be offered. I'm not looking at this as a religious point of view but from a financial perspective. Birth control is expensive, even if you have insurance. If the health care bill is passed there will not be a co-pay on any contraceptive or sterilization. This is going to give women control over their lives and this is huge for todays society.

Some women will not use birth control for the only purpose of saving money. As we all know being sexually active and not using an contraceptives equals having a baby. This is happening all the time, especially in our economy. If women can not afford birth control when they want it, how are they going to financially afford a child that was not planned for. This will most likely lead to a family living off of government support for a very long time, when we could just foot the contraceptive bill. The good that would come from this bill would be babies being welcomed into a prepared home, fewer abortions, and help with the environmental problems caused by overpopulation.

There are some people who do not believe in offering free contraceptives and mostly known would be Catholic bishops. It is know that the Catholic religion is very strict on taking contraceptives but we have to have our eyes open to what is happening in 2012. The fact is that almost half of all pregnancies are unintended. And more than ever teens are becoming pregnant. You would think that becoming pregnant as a teen would get you grounded, not a TV show. Now that being pregnant is in some way glamorized by potentially being on TV, we need to have contraceptives available and easily assessable.

We need to push for this regardless of your religion. If this is not passed it is going to cause more harm than good. Free contraceptives does not mean that you have to buy a perspiration or take them, it's helping this country.

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